Luna Innovations获得光学

Luna Innovations已获得OptaSense.,以前是Qinetiq公司。OptaSense是一家公认的流水上的光纤分布式监控解决方案领导者,用于管道,油田服务,安全,公路和铁路监控,电力和公用事业监测系统。收购创建了世界上最大的光纤传感公司。

"The acquisition of OptaSense marks an incredibly important milestone in Luna Innovations’ history and will further support our growth trajectory... In addition, OptaSense’s success has been driven by a world class, industry-leading technology base and a very talented team of employees. We are very excited about welcoming them to the Luna team.”

- Luna总裁兼首席执行官Scott Graeff


- Qinetiq的首席执行官Steve Wadey

