SPG500n Single Point Gauge
The T-Ray® 5000 SPG single point thickness measurement gauge allows direct measurement of multiple layer objects with the press of a button.
Product Description
The T-Ray® 5000 SPG single point thickness measurement gauge allows direct measurement of multiple layer objects with the press of a button. The modular nature of the measurement tool allows either straight-on or right-angle measurement tips. The measurement is fundamentally non-contact, but for hand-held use, a measurement tip is used to aid the user in positioning the object at the focus of the THz beam. An easy to use touchscreen display allows selection of measurement configuration and mode of operation.
The SPG500n is compatible with any of the intelligent T-Ray® 5000 Terahertz Control Units (TCU). The TCU52nm uses VGA and USB ports to allow an external monitor and keyboard to be attached if desired. The Controller comprises the short pulse laser, time delay rail, data collection electronics and high speed processor required for a high performance terahertz system. With a waveform acquisition time of 10ms or 1ms, rapid layer thickness measurements can be made reliably.
通过使用脉冲飞行时间(ToF)我asurements, the SPG500n has greater insensitivity to environmental and material variations that can lead to calibration inaccuracies, as well as operator inconsistencies.