离线测量和优化方法可以完全不同,通常提供更详细的测量或分析,可用于改善产品或改善过程。一个例子是在多层结构中的全瓶厚度映射的快速(<40秒)产生,包括多层结构。bob综合平台目前的方法需要在瓶子上的几个地方消耗破坏性测量。但是,A.T-ray 5000terahertz measurement system running at 1 kHz deployed at-line or off-line could provide the full bottle detailed information necessary to significantly shorten the startup cycle for these complex multi-layer bottles and improve the layer thickness consistency of the product.
In the example case here, a multilayer bottle is placed on a Z - Θ rotation stage that can rotate around and translate along the length of the bottle. The total wall thickness, as well as each individual layer can then be mapped.

产品的关bob软件苹果怎么下载键结构(例如,擅长er layers in pharmaceutical bottles and fuel tanks), confirmation of presence and proper manufacture of the structure is essential. The absence, gaps or insufficient thickness of an internal barrier layer can be extremely problematic. Spot checks are a common practice, but full product scanning can both be used for QA purposes and product optimization / cost savings purposes. The ability to routinely and easily make such whole product scans quickly, without requiring any couplant, and measuring both clear and opaque materials further increases the value of the measurement.
即使非常快速(1 - 2秒)简单的扫描也可以提供完整的产品图片。物体的简单线性扫描创建B扫描,这是沿扫描线的产品的横截面图像。图像结果可以清楚地显示不正确的层结构。例如,扫描线可以是圆瓶周围的圆周。B扫描图像沿扫描线展示了总和层厚度值的变化。bob综合平台

The grey scale of the lines in the image correspond to the polarity and amplitude of the reflection peaks in the waveforms along the scan line. The Y-axis of the B-Scan is time of the waveform which corresponds to depth into the bottle wall.

In addition to thickness variation, additional features such as potential gaps in the center barrier layer can be seen.
An important measurement on the preform is the confirmation that the Black layer reaches sufficient far into the screw cap end for all 360 degrees around the sample. For the sample pictured below, it can be seen that the Black layer is present at the two locations below the lower ridge (Green arrow), but not at both locations above the ridge (Red arrow).


In the B-Scans, the bright white line near the top of the images is the outer surface of the preform. The dark solid Black line near the bottom is the inner surface. The lower intensity light / dark lines in between these are reflections for interior layers.
Note that for the scan at the Green arrow position, the interiors reflections can be seen as a clear layered structure between the White Top line and Black Bottom line.

This type of THz measurement, enabled by theT-ray 5000和伴随运动硬件,是一种强大的工具,用于检查和评估瓶子和预制件。通过以这种方式测量瓶子,制造商可以更快地优化新的生产线,而且还可以在持续生产中保持高质量的产品。