Following a successful trip toTire Tech Expo last month以下是仔细看看Terahertz测量执行按需生产材料的能力检查,以确保THz测量仍然准确。特别是通过材料批量更改,换档变化,生产停止/重启和新产品开始。
太赫兹辐射是在微波和远红外之间的电磁谱的一部分。该区域的频率范围为0.1 - 10THz,波长为3毫米至0.03mm。该光谱区域通常被称为“太赫兹差距”,因为这些频率落在电子(具有天线的场)和光学的测量)和光学(使用光学检测器的功率的测量)。从历史上看,已经进行了对这些波长和物质之间的相互作用的研究。这是难以生成和检测到太赫兹频率的原因。结合光学和电子方法的最近进步已经允许生成和检测非常高的信噪比和高数据采集率为0.1-3至3 Zt。

大多数材料,尤其是聚合物和其他马努factured materials, can be relied on to be very consistent and thus have the same material properties. In tire manufacturing, gum rubber is a relatively unusual material in that it is derived from many sources, both natural rubber sources and recycled material sources. Thus, consistency in the exact formulation of the rubber product is difficult to guarantee. Tire manufacturers undertake extensive multiple processing steps to ensure the material is uniform, but small changes in the mixed material properties are possible.
By adding a window between the sample and the sheet and a metal reflector behind the sheet, it is possible to make two THz measurements (one of the empty structure, and one when the sheet is present) to determine the sheet total thickness without needing any calibration. From these two measurements it is straightforward to find the instantaneous value for RI for the product being manufactured.

The Empty structure needs to be measured to calculate the “thickness” of the air layer between the window bottom and rear reflector surface (TotAir). This value needs to be stored.
When the structure moves on sheet, then two air layers are created; one between the window and sheet (TopAir) and one between the sheet and rear reflector (BotAir).
样品厚度= Tbob综合平台otair - Topair - Botair
For more information on howTerametrix.正在使用Terrahertz技术在轮胎制造中请下载我们的应用笔记calendering。