Polarization Stabilizer
The POS-203 Polarization Stabilizer maintains a stable output state of polarization (SOP) against any fluctuations in the feedback signal. The instrument uses an algorithm to either minimize or maximize the supplied feedback signal by dynamically altering the SOP.
POS-203架构包括光纤挤压件偏振控制器和专有算法。它能够补偿快速至5ms的输入偏振不连续,或者在没有重置的轨道上不带有高达32π/ s的连续输入SOP旋转。
The POS-203 is a versatile instrument that automatically optimizes the output SOP to either maximize or minimize an optical or electrical feedback signal. It also allows the user to optimize the control cycle for particular applications by adjusting the step size, feedback delay, activation threshold, and search algorithm (maximum or minimum).